Thursday, July 30, 2009

UN asks, why do they hate us?

Amazingly, backing one side in a proxy war in Somalia delegitimizes the UN. UNDP has been thrown out of Somalia even though it denies having done so. And the Secretary-General's special envoy will only talk about crimes committed by one side in the war. From Inner City Press:

Inner City Press asked [UN Special Envoy Ahmedou] Ould Abdallah if he acknowledged that the forces of the Transitional Federal Government which he supports, and also of the AMISON African Union, have at time fired mortars into civilian areas. "I don't like to introduce AMISOM as a part of a problem," Ould Abdallah said. ...
But isn't it the UN's role to speak out against the killing of civilians by either side?

Well, you would think so, yes...

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